Phoenix FM

Calderdale Radio Station

ACDC’s Fletcher’s Mill is home to this innovative, local and award winning radio station. Celebrating Calderdale, the station has a potential reach to over 200,000 listeners. Phoenix is a micro- community of different ages and abilities sharing their skills selflessly for the betterment of others.

Volunteer broadcasters, supported by Howard Priestley, range from young people with autism, people with physical disabilities or mental health problems and include those recovering from alcohol misuse and chronic debilitating conditions.

Phoenix changes people. When they are given an opportunity to express themselves, they become confident radio communicators and more out-going. Broadcasting helps mental and emotional health. This is borne out by the special nightly broadcasts from midnight to 8 am. Carefully crafted with appropriate music, these broadcasts include helpline contact details of agencies that offer help and support for mental health crises.

Phoenix FM is unique. It shows the very personal way that radio can become a friend in someone’s life when it is most needed.